A Teacher’s Practical Guide to Extended Learning, a handbook in all the languages of the partnership gathering guidelines and recommendations to apply extended learning.
Starting from an initial analysis of their respective contexts and needs, each partner constructs, tests and evaluates pilot practices of extended teaching. Each pilot is translated into a case study, resulting in a Teachers’ Guide to Extended Learning, a collection of examples, materials and practical
tips for educational innovation. The guide provides general policy recommendations for decision makers and suggestions for educational technology providers to improve their hardware and software products.
The project activities are developed through an initial set-up phase (of 3 months), three successive iterations of experiments (7 months each), combined with a peer review (1 month each), and a final phase to consolidate the result and prepare possible future activities beyond the end of the project (2 months). The teacher’s guide has then be available in the first draft, at the end of the 11th month, in the second version, at the end of the 19th month and the final version at the end of the project.
The final version of the “Teacher’s Guide to Extended
Learning” is the result of the three iterations/monitoring exercises and is attached here below in the following languages:
– English
– Italian
– Spanish
– French
– Swedish